
Monday, October 12, 2009

Now, I must admit up front that I have some bias towards liking David Wilcock---He has given some amazing speeches in the past tieing into fringe scie

Now, I must admit up front that I have some bias towards liking David Wilcock---He has given some amazing speeches in the past tieing into fringe science, the nature of consciousness, and the ET / UFO phenomenon... That being said, he dropped a bomb-shell on Coast to Coast AM last night that was SO "out there" that even I have to admit I am at the very least raising an eye brow of skepticism. At about the 8 minute mark here, he says not only are his "insiders" within the intelligence community telling him the government plans FULL DISCLOSURE before the years end, but that there is a 2 hour, international TV spot reserved for this event...But that's not even the most incredible "out there" part: He also says that these intelligence agents are saying that this disclosure and international TV broadcast will introduce us to HUMAN-LOOKING ET's THAT ARE HERE! I will let you guys listen and chime in...I must admit as much as I like David and as much as I would literally be jumping up and down with excitement if this were true, I don't know how this could happen on such a dramatic scale so quickly when our press is still just TRICKLING out info here and there---But perhaps the international communities might be behind something? If ANY part of it were true, it would be the biggest revelation in the history of earth. Fast forward to 8:00 for the revelation: