
Monday, April 11, 2011

Atlantis located off the west cost of Ireland!

The ancient Irish count among their ancestors a race of tall white people called the Tuatha de Danan “the children of Danu”. They are presented in Irish story’s as being very advanced technologically but what is more interesting is that we are told that their homeland called “Tir Nan Og” (the land of Og) sank under the waves during a catastrophic flood.

When Tir Nan Og went under the waves the Tuatha de Danan dispersed in fleets of ships, eventually settling in Ireland. From the land of Og they rescued four relics:

The Lia fail (the stone of destiny) this stone is the stone which is housed in the Ark of the covenant.

They brought the sword of Nuada, this would later become known as Excalibur.

They brought the spear of Lugh which would be later be better known as the spear of destiny.

They brought the cauldron of Dagda which would later be known as the holy grail.

The patron god of the Tuatha de Danan was the sea god called Manannán mac Lir (the son of Lir) and the Island they came from (Og) was known as Manannan’s Island.

When we read the description of the sea god Manannan it becomes obvious he is the same god known to Plato and the Greeks as Poseidon!

Manannan owns a golden spear “Ctann Buide” which means Yellow Tree i.e. a branched tip or trident.

He also owns a golden chariot drawn by magical horses which can ride over the sea or land. This positively identifies him as Poseidon. Now if you know Plato's description of Atlantis you will know that Atlantis was Poseidon’s island (he built it) and that in the centre of the city of Atlantis was a temple to Poseidon.

Once I realized Tir Nan Og was Atlantis I wanted to obviously find the location according to the Irish, after all if the Atlanteans (Tuatha de Danan” are their ancestors they should know where Atlantis is located.

From Plato’s description as close as we can get is that Atlantis is in the Atlantic ocean and usually there is an assumption that it is somewhere near the Azores islands.

The Irish however locate the land of Og as being in the “northern islands of the world” i.e. in the north hemisphere above the line of the equator. More specifically they locate Og as being off the west cost of Ireland and extending northward.

When Og went under the waves the survivors sailed to Ireland and approached from the north. The reason for this is that if you remember the geography of Atlantis the northern region of the island has mountains and therefore the last to go under. It makes sense that inhabitants would have headed for the mountains when the flood approached.

What I have discovered is even more exciting, using the information handed down by the Irish I have located Atlantis, and you can visit that island even today because the northern part of the island is still above water!!!

Its known today as “Faroes island” which is actually the tips of the mountains of Atlantis which still peek out of the sea. If you look at the Google map (I have marked the sunken island as “Tir nan Og”) you will see that the island is actually slightly larger then the entire of the United kingdom!

The city of Atlantis if you remember was composed of three rings and in the centre was a hill with Poseidon’s temple on top. In memory of their ancestors the ancient Irish constructed a miniature replica of their homeland on the hill of Tara which was the centre of Ireland kingship in olden days complete with a temple in the central ring just like Atlantis.

Further proof that what I am tell you is the truth comes from the fact that the Egyptian book of the dead states that the god kings of Egypt came from a country in the west that went under the waves during the cataclysm. If this is true genetic testing of the pharaoh’s royal bloodline should link them with modern Celtic/Irish people.
Guess what, that’s exactly what has happened King Tutankhamen and his father Pharaoh Akhenaton have tested positive.
Ancient Egypt was a continuation of Atlantis!