
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Obama's Birth Certificate Turned Out To Be a False One Hour After Release

Birth Certificate proven to be fake.
  After much excitement to everyone on the birth of Barry who spent more than $ 5 million in legal fees to hide from the prying eyes of public opinion.I stumbled upon the advice of the reader of how the birth certificate published recently in fact false, and you can even do this even if you have a software to see for yourself.
  You see, they left things in PDF format can be imported into Adobe Illustrator. This is where interesting things, see for yourself. This in itself shows that the birth certificate given to the public was not analyzed, it has been digitally restored.
  Sorry, but you've done! If you do not understand how clipping masks work, I suggest you Google to find out.

Original doc here: Link 

Obama Birth Certificate  

Obama Birth Certificate Masked
Obama Birth Certificate Masked 
Obama Birth Certificate Masked 

Obama Birth Certificate Masked