
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

SETI Suspended the Search for Extraterrestrials Signals, ET Cover-up signal?

Astronomers at the SETI Institute has reported a sharp drop in federal funds to state and forced the closure of the Allen Telescope Array, a powerful tool in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, a force of scientists called "SETI".
Seti Institute  
 42 radio dishes were scanned Deep Space since 2007 for signals from alien civilizations at the same time carry out scientific research in the hard structure and origin of the universe.

Tom Pierson, said that donors ATA was put into "hibernation" - a kind of safe mode, where "equipment is not available for general comment is maintained in good condition and in a very small staff."

It might be possible, SETI ATA signal reception and have only partially close it because they will not listen to anyone else in the signal, but them. As we are still running in "special" observations, but not "normal."

Figure that does mean they have found things and now the government takes control of public opinion to government officials ...

Carl Sagan and SETI UFO / ET cover-up
The late scientist Dr. Carl Sagan SETI developed. Since the death of Sagan, it appeared that Sagan knew about UFO and extraterrestrial presence on Earth, and deliberately covered this up in order to continue receiving financial aid, academic status and prestige.

Sagan SETI has developed the model as a means to deceive the public and funding organizations and continue to receive funds for research for extraterrestrial intelligence wrong when he was fully aware of the data confirms the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations on Earth and the environment around Earth.