Illuminati Secrets
Expedition to the most secret society in the world. Lapis Exillis, a stone, which is called the Holy Grail is a illuminate the story hit the world for centuries. This code has been done to keep the original and highly controversial, award-winning documentary feature film.
Surviving abduction, the shadow of mysterious deaths and even torture, secret service advisor and a code like Louis Buff Parry follows three decades of research in the most mysterious and influential world of secret societies throughout the Western and Middle Eastern world. A common theme in these secret societies were obsessed with being in possession of an ancient stone artifact particular, Lapis Exillis, the stone finally found the Holy Grail in 1743. Citing great scholars of the original founders of science and powerful lights of the past, Louis Buff Parry pieces together a startling story supported with remarkable events that radically changed his view of history forever. Lapis Exillis is a journey to discover the mystery, murder and mayhem that surrounds the dramatic events behind this well-concealed history and shows how the object stone hit the central powers of the true destiny of Western civilization.