
Friday, April 22, 2011

Silence Flat Object Over The Helicopter Plant Stratford

A Milford, CT, witness reports seeing a silent object that "went rather quickly, but stopped" at the Sikorsky plant in Stratford, according to the April 20, 2011, testimony to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database witness reports.

"My first thought was," helicopter "," the witness said. "But when I looked at myself - it was not clear."

The floating object, then moves over and over again arrested - and quickly disappeared.

"Then rose a little higher and stopped again. At this time I tried to get a picture of him, but my phone is no longer at the top of the line. Then I saw disappearing into the clouds."

The silence seems to have been an aura around him.

"There were no sounds of helicopter blades turning and no engine noise. The object itself appeared to have an aura around it (the only way I can describe it)."

The incident occurred April 6, 2011. No photos or videos were included in the report. Stratford is in Fairfield County, CT, population 49,967.

Connecticut is the current UFO ALERT assessment to 5, with a limited number of UFO sightings nationwide. Connecticut was one of the UFO reports in March 2011 - at the same time, California had 45 comments, most of the people reporting the state.