
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Obama's Birth Certificate Turned Out To Be a False One Hour After Release

Birth Certificate proven to be fake.
  After much excitement to everyone on the birth of Barry who spent more than $ 5 million in legal fees to hide from the prying eyes of public opinion.I stumbled upon the advice of the reader of how the birth certificate published recently in fact false, and you can even do this even if you have a software to see for yourself.
  You see, they left things in PDF format can be imported into Adobe Illustrator. This is where interesting things, see for yourself. This in itself shows that the birth certificate given to the public was not analyzed, it has been digitally restored.
  Sorry, but you've done! If you do not understand how clipping masks work, I suggest you Google to find out.

Original doc here: Link 

Obama Birth Certificate  

Obama Birth Certificate Masked
Obama Birth Certificate Masked 
Obama Birth Certificate Masked 

Obama Birth Certificate Masked

YouTube to Celebrate The Space Shuttle Live Broadcast From Space

Space Shuttle live stream on YouTube

  I just wrote yesterday, the network speed of streaming video has been gaining popularity and use, and now YouTube has announced the live streaming of the event even more unique: an interview with the astronauts of the Space Shuttle Endeavour ... Space ... in honor of the space shuttle program at NASA, who is retiring from this job last year.

  Live video interviews are nothing new on the Internet. But I’m not sure there’s ever been one where one of the participants is actively orbiting the planet. But that’s exactly what YouTube has planned for May 2.
  Space Shuttle Endeavour is scheduled for release on April 29 is the Friday schedule in question.
And if all goes as planned, with the launch, and May 2 at 14:15 (ET), the shuttle commander Mark Kelly and his team will respond to questions in a live chat with Miles PBS O O'Brien. Of course, if the launch is delayed, then the interview will be broadcast as well, so you can keep an eye on YouTube's blog for updates..

  Here's a video of O'Brien talks about the event and how you can participate:

This unique live stream is interactive, such as a video on YouTube is actively trying to use users 'questions' during the interview. To go to the PBS News Hour YouTube to ask a question, and you have until Saturday, April 30 at midnight (ET) to do so.

PBS News Hour to ask questions about astronauts 

Questions of text are allowed, but the video issues are preferred. You should limit your request video of 20 seconds. YouTube also has some tips for novice interviewers:

  • Speak clearly and the film in a room with background noise. Keep the camera as still as possible and ask the question directly to the camera
  • Browse YouTube videos on the NASA STS-134 to learn more about the mission and the crew
PBS and YouTube to start streaming Endeavor with himself to see the PBS News Hour Channel 15:47 (ET) Friday, April 29, 2011.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

SETI Suspended the Search for Extraterrestrials Signals, ET Cover-up signal?

Astronomers at the SETI Institute has reported a sharp drop in federal funds to state and forced the closure of the Allen Telescope Array, a powerful tool in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, a force of scientists called "SETI".
Seti Institute  
 42 radio dishes were scanned Deep Space since 2007 for signals from alien civilizations at the same time carry out scientific research in the hard structure and origin of the universe.

Tom Pierson, said that donors ATA was put into "hibernation" - a kind of safe mode, where "equipment is not available for general comment is maintained in good condition and in a very small staff."

It might be possible, SETI ATA signal reception and have only partially close it because they will not listen to anyone else in the signal, but them. As we are still running in "special" observations, but not "normal."

Figure that does mean they have found things and now the government takes control of public opinion to government officials ...

Carl Sagan and SETI UFO / ET cover-up
The late scientist Dr. Carl Sagan SETI developed. Since the death of Sagan, it appeared that Sagan knew about UFO and extraterrestrial presence on Earth, and deliberately covered this up in order to continue receiving financial aid, academic status and prestige.

Sagan SETI has developed the model as a means to deceive the public and funding organizations and continue to receive funds for research for extraterrestrial intelligence wrong when he was fully aware of the data confirms the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations on Earth and the environment around Earth.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Secrets of Illuminati on Lapis Exillis

Illuminati Secrets 

Expedition to the most secret society in the world. Lapis Exillis, a stone, which is called the Holy Grail is a illuminate the story hit the world for centuries. This code has been done to keep the original and highly controversial, award-winning documentary feature film.

Surviving abduction, the shadow of mysterious deaths and even torture, secret service advisor and a code like Louis Buff Parry follows three decades of research in the most mysterious and influential world of secret societies throughout the Western and Middle Eastern world. A common theme in these secret societies were obsessed with being in possession of an ancient stone artifact particular, Lapis Exillis, the stone finally found the Holy Grail in 1743. Citing great scholars of the original founders of science and powerful lights of the past, Louis Buff Parry pieces together a startling story supported with remarkable events that radically changed his view of history forever. Lapis Exillis is a journey to discover the mystery, murder and mayhem that surrounds the dramatic events behind this well-concealed history and shows how the object stone hit the central powers of the true destiny of Western civilization.

Libya EXPOSURE War - Rothschild finishing Gaddafi

Rothschild finishing Gaddafi libya war  

So do you guys still believe Reuters Song "Libya has NO DEMOCRACY?"


* Libya GDP per capital - $ 14,192
* Libyan Unemployment benefit - $ 730
* Each Libyan family member subsidized by the state gets annually $ 1.000
* Salary for nurses - $ 1.000
* For every newborn in Libya is paid $ 7.000
* Libyan bride and groom receive a $ 64 thousand to purchase flats.
* Major taxes and levies prohibited.
* To open a personal business a one-time financial assistance of $ 20.000
* Education and medicine are free in Libya.
* Educ.Internships abroad - at government expense.
* Stores for large families with symbolic prices for basic foodstuffs.
* Part of pharmacies - with free dispensing.
* Loans for buying a car and an apartment - no interest.
* Real estate services are prohibited.,
* Buying a car up to 50% paid by the State.
* No Payment for electricity for the population in Libya.
* Sales and use of alcohol is prohibited.
* Petrol is cheaper than water. 1 liter of gasoline - $ 0.14.

Lubbock, Texas UFO sighting - Lubbock Lights

 Lubbock Lights ufo sightings sighting 2011
Lubbock lights are unusual formation of lights seen over the city of Lubbock, Texas, between August and September 1951. Lubbock Lights The incident received national publicity and is considered one of the first great UFO cases in the United States.

Pharmaceutical Group Roche blocking "Blindness Cure"

Blindness Cure 

Many great scientific discoveries are born of pure chance. How about curing blindness in one or two treatments with a drug originally designed to fight cancer?

What if it only costs the same as taking family movies? Impressed yet? You should be. Doctors have used Avastin (bevacizumab), cancer drugs, to treat certain types of blindness, such as retinopathy, vascular, and the initiative has generated more than anyone ever imagined that the drug would be 20% more effective than traditional laser treatment.
However, it is always obstacles to good ideas, and this time they are human rather than technical. Roche Group, the company behind Avastin, simply does not support its use in the treatment of retinopathy. Why? Roche's official position is that they are concerned about patient safety, because Avastin is not designed for use in eye diseases.

Doctors in the United States and Great Britain have tried for many years for Roche to conduct clinical trials to compare the effectiveness of Avastin and Lucentis, but Roche has been reluctant, for obvious reasons.

But maybe it has less to do with alleged safety problems and more with the fact that the cost of Avastin forty times smaller than Lucentis (ranibizumab), Roche publicly supported treatment retinopathy?

This raises the question of how truly real is the pharmaceutical industry. This is not a secret that the pharmaceutical industry is expensive, especially in the United States. The United States, which spends more on health care in developed countries, largely due to drugs, and manages to have the highest rate of infant mortality and diabetes.

Moreover, the United States is also the only country that allows drug advertising on public television. It is this practice that inflated drug prices for the average consumer - the marketing budget of a particular solution, usually always included in the price of the manufacturer. This and other business practices increasing drug prices to obscene amounts even if the actual costs of drug production cents per pill.

But more is at stake here that pharmaceutical companies are trying to cover overhead costs by higher prices for medicines. The most outrageous aspect of all this controversy over Avastin vs. Lucentis was that Roche openly refused to accept, or even test a product that was obviously efficiently, while trying to pass a nearly exact copy of forty times the price. Of course, in a capitalist economy are all within their rights to make a profit on a product of their decisions, but this is also the problem. The main priority of any private enterprise is not really produce anything but a profit of what it produces.

Stop Funding Israeli Army Billboards Growths in Seattle, United States

Stop Funding the Israeli Army
We already reported how the secret files declassified U.S. revealed hidden public relations and lobbying by Israel in the SU documents from the National Archives made public after an investigation by the Senate.
read it all

But now people to learn via the Internet, and therefore the first two "Stop Funding the Israeli Army" are in billboards

NSA Release UFO Files, following the example of the FBI

NSA Press Ufo Files

An exciting time is happening right now, "a type of motion detection is happening under the radar Neath virtual.

The FBI has recently renewed its files on UFO's now known as the Vault. Here are the documents that are available to the public for some time, what else is there was a new hope and optimism to believe in UFOs in general

We continue to another entity, has also become the playing field, opening the door to full transparency of all UFO files, documents, common technology, crash, abduction, and so on. It 's the NSA. Or the National Security Agency. A secret branch of the U.S. government, many people already distrust, why this sudden open access to numerous documents, many swing to the other side.

The documents listed on this page were located in response to the numerous requests received by NSA on the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO).

 You can select the document, click on the title of the document, and wait for a PDF version can be downloaded to the local viewer.

  1. In Camera Affidavit of Eugene F. Yeates - Citizens Against Unidentified Flying Objects Secrecy v. NSA (Civil Action No. 80-1562)
  2. * Communications Intelligence (COMINT) reports [broken into sizable parts for viewing]

    PART A

    PART B

    PART C

    PART D

    PART E

    PART F

    PART G

    PART H

    PART I

    PART J
  3. * Affidavit of Eugene F. Yeates - Citizens Against Unidentified Flying Objects Secrecy v. NSA(Civil Action No. 80-1562)
  4. “U.F.O. Files: The Untold Story” by Patrick Huyghe
  5. “Govt.’s Super-Secret Security Agency Warns: Take UFOs Seriously or Be Prepared for Sneak Invasion by Space Aliens” by Thomas L. Muldoon, National Enquirer
  6. “The U.S. Government and the Iran Case”- IUR Report
  7. “Report of U.F.O. Crash in ’47 Called False by Science Panel”- The New York Times
  8. “What the U.S. Government Knows About UnidentifiedFlying Objects” by Peter Gersten, Frontiers of Science
  9. “Is the CIA Stonewalling?” by Richard Hall
  10. “The Government and UFOs”
  11. “UFO As Advanced Technology”
  12. “French Government UFO Study”
  13. Communications Intelligence (COMINT) report – “XXXXX Unidentified Flying Objects”
  14. COMNAVSECGRU visual sighting report
  15. “Report Bibliography” issued by the Defense Documentation Center
  16. “Now You See It, Now You Don’t” by Captain Henry S. Shields, HQ USAFE/INOMP
  17. Joint Chiefs of Staff report concerning the sighting of a UFO in Iran on 19 September 1976
  18. Exploitation Report – A Fragment, Metal Recovered in the Republic of the Congo
  19. Navy report – Country: Cuba, Subject: UFO
  20. Routing and Transmittal Slip from Louis E. Foster, DIA with a DIA summary sheet and US Defense Attache report on the sighting of a UFO in Iran on 19 September 1976
  21. Department of State AIRGRAM – Subject: Flying Saucers Are a Myth
  22. Department of State report – Subject: Tunisian Firefall
  23. Department of State AIRGRAM – Subject: Celestial Body Observed over Antarctica
  24. Department of State AIRGRAM – Subject: Political Report for August 1965
  25. Department of State AIRGRAM – Subject: Unidentified Flying Objects
  26. Department of State AIRGRAM – Subject: Sighting of Object Possibly Originating from

    Space Vehicle
  27. Department of State AIRGRAM – Subject: Unidentified Flying Objects
  28. Department of State AIRGRAM – Subject: Unidentified Flying Objects Reported Over Angola
  29. Department of State AIRGRAM – Subject: Report of Unidentified Object Which Fell Near Municipio of General Teran, N.L.
  30. American Embassy Tunis report – Subject: Unidentified Flying Objects
  31. Report from Air Force Special Security Office – Subject: (Unclassified) UFOB NEAC Area
  32. General Accounting Office Report to the Honorable Steven H. Schiff, House of Representatives – Government Records – Results of a Search for Records Concerning the 1947 Crash Near Roswell, New Mexico
  33. * Memorandum and Order – Citizens Against UFO Secrecy v. National Security Agency

    (Civil Action No. 80-1562)
  34. “Communication With Extraterrestrial Intelligence” by Lambros D. Callimahos
  35. * “UFO Hypothesis and Survival Questions”
  36. * “UFO’s and the Intelligence Community Blind Spot to Surprise or Deceptive Data”
  37. Memorandum for the Record – Subject: Information Request Solicitation
  38. United States Air Force Fact Sheet 95-03 – “Unidentified Flying Objects and Air Force

    Project Blue Book”
  39. Report of Air Force Research Regarding the “Roswell Incident”
  40. JANAP 146
  41. Key to the Extraterrestrial Messages by H. Campaigne
  42. Extraterrestrial Intelligence by Howard H. Campaigne


NSA Press Archives Reveals UFO "Alien Message" Received

Alien Messages Received ufo 2011
France UFO files first, then British UFO files, the FBI and the Kennedy Vault recently published. And now the files are visible Security Agency found (never found the mainstream media), NSA, say they have received messages from a stranger, the lighting could during the Mayans said would happen in 2012 to be a true revelation that we have visitors .

The NSA had been released to the public previously classified UFO X-files here, but who had never received the attention of the media.

This small step, but "giant leap for mankind", is described as "treasure" one. Among the documents we have studied so far, we are particularly interested in the NSA Technical Journal Vol XIV No. 1 with FOIA Case No. 41,472, which was titled "The Key to extraterrestrial messages. The document prepared by Campaign, Ph. D., made a series of 29 messages received from outer space "Extraterrestrial Intelligence."

This article has been described to develop the key to understanding these messages aliens.

If the penny has not dropped, this unclassified document now not only confirms the existence of extraterrestrials, but the U.S. government has received communications from deep space of a civilization beyond our own solar system !

What follows is written from page 21, Annex:

Recently, a series of radio messages were heard from outer space. The transmission is not continuous, but interrupted by breaks in pieces that could be considered a unit, as it were repeated again and again. Breaks show here that the punctuation. The combination of various types has been represented by letters of the alphabet, so that messages can be written. Each message, except the first one is given here once. The serial number of messages are provided for each reference.

Below is a copy of the original document found at the site of the National Security Agency. You can read the original document to the following address:

Mind Control by TV - It Happens Every Day

Mind Control
It happens every day. It happens to almost everyone on the mind earth.Our be controlled and manipulated.

From the moment we turn our TV or radio on when we read newspapers, watch for billboards. Tell us what to eat, how you dress, what products to use, with which we have to go to war to spread democracy, how we see and how to vote.

Mass Mind Control and War :

 And now they are telling us on our face, how they manipulating our brains :

Mind Control
Mind control (also known as brainwashing, coercive persuasion, mental abuse, mind control or thought reform) refers to a process whereby a group or individual uses systematically methods unethical manipulation to persuade others to meet the desires of the manipulator (s) often to the detriment of the person manipulated

CIA’s MK-ULTRA mind control 
You may have heard of the CIA’s MK-ULTRA mind control experiments, the notorious CIA program that dosed thousands of unwitting participants with hallucinogenic drugs.But you may not have known that the Pentagon had it’s own MK thing going on. From experimenting with lethal materials to mind altering drugs, it appears the Pentagon was trying not to be outdone by the CIA. More than 30 years after it was written, the Pentagon has released a memorandum detailing its involvement in the CIA’s infamous Cold War mind-control experiments.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Silence Flat Object Over The Helicopter Plant Stratford

A Milford, CT, witness reports seeing a silent object that "went rather quickly, but stopped" at the Sikorsky plant in Stratford, according to the April 20, 2011, testimony to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database witness reports.

"My first thought was," helicopter "," the witness said. "But when I looked at myself - it was not clear."

The floating object, then moves over and over again arrested - and quickly disappeared.

"Then rose a little higher and stopped again. At this time I tried to get a picture of him, but my phone is no longer at the top of the line. Then I saw disappearing into the clouds."

The silence seems to have been an aura around him.

"There were no sounds of helicopter blades turning and no engine noise. The object itself appeared to have an aura around it (the only way I can describe it)."

The incident occurred April 6, 2011. No photos or videos were included in the report. Stratford is in Fairfield County, CT, population 49,967.

Connecticut is the current UFO ALERT assessment to 5, with a limited number of UFO sightings nationwide. Connecticut was one of the UFO reports in March 2011 - at the same time, California had 45 comments, most of the people reporting the state.

FBI Files: The White House, Was Sent Into A Panic By Cows Suspected Alien Mutilation

In our previous reports have informed the FBI "The Vault" shows Roswell, Majestic 12 documents and encounter with a UFO Utah

Now the FBI has released more than classification "Vault" files, which are to reveal how the White House has sent panicked cows suspected of alien mutilation.

More than 8000 head of cattle captured Mystery aircraft, mutilated, then the sky fell to the American Southwest in the late 1970s, officials have told their leaders.

Terrified farmers in New Mexico, Colorado and Nebraska were afraid it would be separated from each other are extraterrestrial flying saucers.

Details of the probe are detailed in the memos released by the FBI on its website vault.fbi.gov

Cattle killer took sick trophies, including languages, lower lips, genitals, ears and eyes. In some cases, convicted of the animal was completely emptied of its blood.

An investigator explained his theory: "These animals are supported by air, mutilated and elsewhere came back and dropped from aircraft.

"Same multilations occurred throughout the Southwest. Whoever is responsible, is well organized with the technology, funding limits and with secrecy."

In January 1979, after U.S. Attorney General Griffin Bell, wrote Senator Harrison Schmitt, frightened, said: "The documents sent to me to indicate one of the strangest phenomena in my memory."

Mr. Schmitt has represented New Mexico - where, from 1976 to 1978, there were many incidents in a mysterious Dulce ranch.

A detailed report of the police feared an exotic cooling sacrifice .. "This bull of 11 months was abandoned by a particular type of aircraft north of the ranch house of Manuel Gómez sexual organs had been removed with a sharp instrument and accurate bone had been removed.

"Taurus visible bruises around his chest seems to indicate that a strap was used to raise and lower animals of the plane ... the flesh under the skin was reddish.

"A likely explanation for the blood rose is a control type of radiation used to kill animals ... the liver and heart have been boiled. The two bodies have the texture and consistency of peanut butter."

The bull had been seen alive the previous day, but during the night a low-flying spacecraft were heard near where the remains were found.

FBI agents were sent to remote areas through rural America, probe the murders.

A police report from a second incident in the courtyard of Dulce, dated June 13, 1976, recounted how a strange craft visited another animal mutilation.

"A sort of suspect aircraft landed twice, leaving three cloves mark in a triangular shape. Diameter of each module was 14inches."

The FBI document dated January 1979, said: "The Justice Department informed that the criminal police was aware of the phenomenon of animals mutilated in a way that shows such action was presented as part of the ritual of persons or ceremony."

Kenneth Rommel, who led the probe FBI's Animal Mutilation Project, wrote a bomb March 5, 1980 memo to one of the dive alien.

He said: "In July 1978, the UFO was reportedly found the population in Taos, New Mexico, swinging pick-up the next morning, the flakes of powder were reportedly recovered from the roof of the car .."

Local FBI agents said that the flakes became a cow hides, he added.

Secret Memo Reveals Kennedy Wanted UFO Files Before His Death

We found a letter written by John F. Kennedy at the forefront of the CIA, which is published by the freedom of Information Act show that the president has asked for a show very confidential documents, UFO 10 days before being murdered.

The secret memo is the second of two letters written by JFK had requested information on the paranormal November 12, 1963, which was released by the CIA for the first time.

Author William Lester said that the CIA released documents under the Freedom of Information Act, as it did while the search for his book again, "celebration of freedom. Airport JFK New Frontier "

The first document:

In addition to secret documents published in Freedom of Information Act request, writes the director of JFK UFO files.

 The second document:
 The second memorandum sent to the administrator of NASA President expressed the desire to make the former Soviet Union on mutual recognition of space activities.

Previously classified documents published in the Freedom of Information Act to find out William Lester find a new book by JFK.

He said that JFK's interest in the UFO might have been motivated by concern for relations with the former Soviet Union.

Down 2009, a detailed analysis of official and leaked documents provide a compelling case that the efforts of President Kennedy from UFO files declassified was a direct factor in his murder.

Dr. Michael Salla presentation at the 7th Annual UFO Crash Recovery Conference November 7, 2009. Dr. Salla indicates that there are three critical periods for the efforts of President Kennedy with access to classified UFO files.

The first began in February 1961 with Kennedy order to find psychological warfare programs under the control of his national security team.

The second period began and then Kennedy has made use of his powers as commander in chief to see what he could about UFOs and extraterrestrial life, while being denied access to records of MJ-12 UFO and counter-intelligence (CI) branch of the CIA.

The third period, and most critics began September 20, 1963, when President Kennedy delivered a speech at the UN General Assembly calls for joint space and lunar missions by the USSR.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

UFO of Rendlesham Forest

December 26, 1980, the day after Christmas, and a few days before the new year. Pleasant service, very few people are still cautious near RAF Woodbridge in Suffolk, England. However, their restless spirits to become a partner or their missing relatives.

What I did not expect, was unknown to the lights look like the West itself and descend into the woods. But this was at least 3 nights in a row, and Rendlesham Forest.

The Rendlesham Forest incident, as we know, is probably the most famous UFO event to happen in Britain, and is compared to Roswell in importance. On December 26, 27 and 28 strange lights were spotted outside the RAF personnel and the U.S. Air Force Woodbridge was studied. Local police officials has ended, but many came to the conclusion that the lights were close to the Oxford star Ness.
The next two nights, similar observations were made, and also confirmed by Lieutenant Colonel Halt, vice fund. Colonel Halt was also used in micro-cassette recorder to create audio search. Some have speculated that during the investigation that the video would be made of objects, and maintains the Air Force.

In the coming days, there was some evidence. Impressions thought it was triangular indentations made by the landing gear were found. However, local police concluded that the fingerprints could be done by farm animals.

Overall, it is difficult to say what happened, and even harder to prove that the alien contact has been made. The presence of several eyewitnesses, they are all members of the United States and is an active duty lieutenant colonel, absolutely no reason to take it seriously.

Chris Patrick is about the author interested in unexplained phenomena. Are you tired of seeing the same old UFO accounts in different sites, has started this site so that people can send anonymous accounts, without fear or ridicule. You can send your host-to-face (or criticism), you can do here. If you decide to write a message, you are asked to review the format and destination, and probably wants to give anonymously.

UFO - The Reality

The range of cases and "observations" of UFOs in the history of our world is huge and people no longer believe that nothing exists in our sky, this is not a part of our own world. It is true that if there is a lot of studies and research on the phenomenon, not a single reputable evidence exists to show that we are being visited by extraterrestrial beings. Skeptics say it is a conclusion of the debate itself, but what caused such a belief in the world to form in the minds of the people and not just seeking attention or illusions among us, but healthy and very honest and even high-level military.

This has triggered a renewed interest and pop culture around the incident was a fascinating account of Major Jesse Marcel, the debris that he described, and cover up that he even said that the army had arranged. That was the spark that triggered the Roswell incident and has been a platform for the other key people throughout history. Jesse Marcel was the beginning of a renewed interest and the beginning of pop culture that surrounds Roswell.

Problems arise when Jesse Marcel accounts led to the validity of his claims to be a joke. His argument that his military career, and made a few reports about this incident is reported in Roswell, where it is subsequently to be true, as he recounted his career as a pilot since 1928 and the FAA had no record of ever flying Jesse Marcel, when he said. Time passed, and other openings of his argument, to make a military career, was released.

It is unfair and very biased to use the story of a person and claims of the other misinformation that is, but it happened. It was used as an accent to reduce the hysteria surrounding the incident. While even the UFO researchers now feel that what was recovered from Roswell was a balloon crashed, there is still a widespread belief that a government cover up existed.

We may never know what was recovered from the crash site, but the Roswell incident will always be the spark that ignited the theories and leads to the phenomenon that continues to grow worldwide. He will remain forever in the folklore of UFO history, not because it gave us real evidence, either because it is the most controversial, but because it is the birthplace of the UFO phenomenon. The beginning of what is now a religion or believe it or not. It's true.

UFO Sightings - Are UFOs Real?

We all found ourselves watching the night sky, watching the countless stars, and I was wondering if we are alone in this universe is constantly expanding. We see the lights that seem strange in the sky and watching carefully, until we realize that a single plane. Well maybe just me, but unanswered questions about our existence in the universe has existed since the beginning of the story.

Since 1940, when events like the Battle of Los Angeles and the Roswell UFO Incident shook the world, the stories come from people who claim to have seen a UFO. Pictures of flying saucers (most of which were false alarms) has started to receive publicity in the coming years. UFO sightings appeared constant uprise beginning of the century. Video UFOs are swarming all over the web after the invention of the Internet. It 's the Earth visiting the UFO from another planet or universe, or simply people caught endless UFO mania?

UFO sightings have been around for hundreds, even thousands of years. Some have even said that there is no evidence of contact with alien life at important points in history. The only difference in the increase of UFO sightings is that communications have increased in recent years, which unites nearly everyone on the planet. We received the news before the paper arrives. We see the incredible images before television news. So what is the man to stop distribution of alleged UFO video and images before anyone can stop them? Nothing.

Unfortunately, technology has evolved over the years, and many people have used this to create even more scams. Video Editing and Photoshop has progressed to the point where most healthy individuals can not be separated from fiction. UFO skeptics use these scams fuel their belief that the aliens and unidentified flying objects do not exist. Bad news for the doubters that the creation of fake video and pictures do not do something to stop if it is already doing. It 's only confuse and distract people from the real issues at hand UFO.

Most people believe that we are not alone in our universe. Most scientists agree that the probability is very low, we are alone. The only question is whether extraterrestrial life could be advanced enough to travel long distances or even necessary to have an interest to do so. Although it seems at first like a crazy idea .. The same happens with the teams at some point in time. If you start thinking about the great advances in technology that took place in our lives, you will realize the potential for hundreds of years. Could an alien civilization might be several hundred years older than us? Is it possible to sustain the same rate or faster than humanity? Yes

So, is it really that risky? After all, what would be your great-grandfather said that if someone had told him that the whole world would be linked together through the magic of invisible wires and "box thinking"? This world would be dependent on these boxes to control virtually every aspect of life. What could talk to someone hundreds of miles away and see what they were wearing the same time. He probably thought you were crazy. Imagine what you could say.

The point is to think of ourselves as the only example of life in the universe and that the UFO is impossible to really sell yourself short and not really a good way. So we're looking up. Keep your camera handy, and maybe one day you can choose something that can be solved once and for all. Until then ...

UFO Video | UFO sightings.

UFOs To Be Returned in 2011!

In early February, my wife and I in Vail, Colorado for our annual ski trip. As luck would have it, we timed our trip coincided perfectly with the epic cold blast that hit half of the United States to its knees, that record snowfall and electrical brownouts and outages in a multi-district states. At double-digit negative temperatures effectively closed schools and businesses in Colorado, not because of snow, but an agent of the wind chill of negative 30 degrees (actual temperature). Even if they are school buses in the Denver area has shuttle kids in class, because the extreme cold viscosity modified fuel tanks, causing the cars to perform erratically. People were advised to stay home and keep warm (hope they had of survival kits in place!).

Skiers just staring at the unused material. Calculator six skiers on the mountain all day. I was not one of them.

In an attempt to save the day, we decided to take a trip up the pass and visit the family for lunch. After a pleasant afternoon when we made our way back to the mountain lazy, I stumbled across a bright star of life threatening over a ridgeline south of I-70. It was about five o'clock in the afternoon and the sun was just covered mountains. I pointed to the star, and told my wife that the stars were this evening. She looked up, stared for a moment and replied: ". I think it's a plan that reflects the sunlight"

We both looked a bit 'and then suddenly a second bright object appeared above and slightly behind the first few seconds after the third corner apparently lower right of the first to create what looked like a stupid triangle.

"Well," I said, "it seems, now has three floors, and they came out of nowhere. How about now?" Let's see if my wife. "In general, I'll look," was his terse reply. Contrary to my orders, I followed along the same lines, and I was shocked to observe the triangle of balls on the spot by turning in a clockwise direction, converting the original ball (My Star) to the top and then slowly sink below the line ridge, in what appeared to be a perfect formation. Really strange sight.

"Um ... did you see?" He had silenced the search for my wife. "See what?" I hesitated ...

"Stop! Did you know? "

Absolutely, and I had no logical explanation for it. We sat in silence so impressed that we were too ashamed to admit - what we have seen a UFO?

UFOs have had a bad reputation over the last 50 years. Initially, when UFOs first hit card consumer after the Second World War, culminating in the infamous Roswell incident, they were not considered taboo in all - more than the mystical madness. But over the years, either by design or default, the right UFO sightings have been greeted with more disdain and distrust. That may be because so many claims of UFO sightings are easy to explain or quickly recognized as a fraud. It could also be because many of the applicants is good, less credible.

But what is sad, and requires careful consideration, it remains a minority convincing UFO sightings that defy explanation ... and loans are increasing. In fact, 2011 has come up with a series of strange UFO sightings and inexplicable that took place in the world, culminating in the latest video (from multiple angles) of a supposed UFO hovering over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. End of 2010 ended with hundreds of sightings of UFOs over Manhattan and South America and China seem to be the hot spots of unexplained aerial phenomena. What is particularly interesting, so I decided to write a short article on UFOs (Colorado, despite my recent experience) is that during the Feb. 6 Super Bowl between the Packers and Steelers, there were no less than 5 (yes FIVE) of trailers for upcoming blockbusters Alien vs man. All by the year 2011. You have to scratch your head more than a ...

ET seems to make a strong return, both in reality and entertainment, and the question arises - why? (I love the movie ET as much as the next guy, but a five-year ... advertising during the Super Bowl? What happened to the three little frogs!?)

Leslie Kean, an investigative journalist-cum UFO apologist, has recently published a compelling and comprehensive investigation of the true mystery of UFOs, UFO: Pilots and Agents Go in the folder. His book will rock even the most cynical, and require an honest assessment of what has been vilified as the blind speculation in the proletariat evil. Advancing credible witnesses of the UFO issue, forcing the conversation about what is really happening there, who knows about it and why it is not the public informed about it. Kean successfully demystifies a topic that has been systematically ridiculed and discredited over the years, and brings light to the mystery true (and interesting possibilities) behind Unidentified Flying Objects.

Supported by the likes of Kean, Jim Marrs, and the phalanx of researchers Exopolitics Institute is designed as the ultimate sightings.net UFO sites and fascinating immediacy and connects to the Internet, it seems that the UFO phenomenon is rapidly approaching a turning point. Itself the reputation of the world Global Competitiveness Forum, a conference of scholars from the world's leading business and political leaders recently met in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and discussed among other topics, the business impact of extraterrestrial life and technology. "

And before you write this as an imaginative ideas, you should explore what some of the best minds in the world had to say about the UFO dilemma, including former President Reagan, who during an address to the United Nations was quoted as saying ,

"I think the speed of our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And I ask you, this threat does not exist?"

Now there's something to think about and, apparently, Hollywood wants you to do just that ...

Never forget that the mind ready to have an open mind.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Atlantis located off the west cost of Ireland!

The ancient Irish count among their ancestors a race of tall white people called the Tuatha de Danan “the children of Danu”. They are presented in Irish story’s as being very advanced technologically but what is more interesting is that we are told that their homeland called “Tir Nan Og” (the land of Og) sank under the waves during a catastrophic flood.

When Tir Nan Og went under the waves the Tuatha de Danan dispersed in fleets of ships, eventually settling in Ireland. From the land of Og they rescued four relics:

The Lia fail (the stone of destiny) this stone is the stone which is housed in the Ark of the covenant.

They brought the sword of Nuada, this would later become known as Excalibur.

They brought the spear of Lugh which would be later be better known as the spear of destiny.

They brought the cauldron of Dagda which would later be known as the holy grail.

The patron god of the Tuatha de Danan was the sea god called Manannán mac Lir (the son of Lir) and the Island they came from (Og) was known as Manannan’s Island.

When we read the description of the sea god Manannan it becomes obvious he is the same god known to Plato and the Greeks as Poseidon!

Manannan owns a golden spear “Ctann Buide” which means Yellow Tree i.e. a branched tip or trident.

He also owns a golden chariot drawn by magical horses which can ride over the sea or land. This positively identifies him as Poseidon. Now if you know Plato's description of Atlantis you will know that Atlantis was Poseidon’s island (he built it) and that in the centre of the city of Atlantis was a temple to Poseidon.

Once I realized Tir Nan Og was Atlantis I wanted to obviously find the location according to the Irish, after all if the Atlanteans (Tuatha de Danan” are their ancestors they should know where Atlantis is located.

From Plato’s description as close as we can get is that Atlantis is in the Atlantic ocean and usually there is an assumption that it is somewhere near the Azores islands.

The Irish however locate the land of Og as being in the “northern islands of the world” i.e. in the north hemisphere above the line of the equator. More specifically they locate Og as being off the west cost of Ireland and extending northward.

When Og went under the waves the survivors sailed to Ireland and approached from the north. The reason for this is that if you remember the geography of Atlantis the northern region of the island has mountains and therefore the last to go under. It makes sense that inhabitants would have headed for the mountains when the flood approached.

What I have discovered is even more exciting, using the information handed down by the Irish I have located Atlantis, and you can visit that island even today because the northern part of the island is still above water!!!

Its known today as “Faroes island” which is actually the tips of the mountains of Atlantis which still peek out of the sea. If you look at the Google map (I have marked the sunken island as “Tir nan Og”) you will see that the island is actually slightly larger then the entire of the United kingdom!

The city of Atlantis if you remember was composed of three rings and in the centre was a hill with Poseidon’s temple on top. In memory of their ancestors the ancient Irish constructed a miniature replica of their homeland on the hill of Tara which was the centre of Ireland kingship in olden days complete with a temple in the central ring just like Atlantis.

Further proof that what I am tell you is the truth comes from the fact that the Egyptian book of the dead states that the god kings of Egypt came from a country in the west that went under the waves during the cataclysm. If this is true genetic testing of the pharaoh’s royal bloodline should link them with modern Celtic/Irish people.
Guess what, that’s exactly what has happened King Tutankhamen and his father Pharaoh Akhenaton have tested positive.
Ancient Egypt was a continuation of Atlantis!

Donald Trump Plays Up Birther Conspiracy

The Donald Trump presidential candidacy increasingly looks credible as a NBC/Wall Street Journal survey published last week had him at 17% among GOP primary voters, tied with Mike Huckabee and second only to Mitt Romney. Trump's candidacy appears to begaining momentum as the NBC/WSJ poll came shortly after one commissioned by CNN which had Trump at 10%. The billionaire New York real estate developer and reality star may have seen as increase in Republican support due to his promotion of one issue: Obama's birth.

While the press and the majority of the American public have long dismissed the allegation that President Obama is foreign-born as an unfounded conspiracy theory designed by disgruntled conservatives to discredit the legitimacy of Obama's presidency, a survey conducted by the Public Policy Polling center found that just a majority of Republicans, 51%, believe that President Obama was born overseas and thus constitutional eligible to be president. A further 21% are unsure about Obam's birth. The U.S. president was born in the state of Hawaii and has produced a birth certificate in that regard, along with dated newspaper clippings announcing his birth. There is no evidence for the claim, pronounced by "birthers", the media's designated term, that Obama was born in his father's nation of Kenya. And even Republican politicians have distanced themselves from the "birthers". Until Trump.

Donald Trump has fully thrown his lot in the with the "birthers" and recently eleborated on his suspicions in a letter to the editor in the New York Times. Trump wrote:

His grandmother from Kenya stated, on tape, that he was born in Kenya and she was there to watch the birth. His family in Honolulu is fighting over which hospital in Hawaii he was born in-they just don't know.
He has not been able to produce a “birth certificate” but merely a totally unsigned “certificate of live birth”-which is totally different and of very little significance. Unlike a birth certificate, a certificate of live birth is very easy to obtain. Equally of importance, there are no records in Hawaii that a Barack Hussein Obama was born there-no bills, no doctors names, no nurses names, no registrations, no payments, etc. As far as the two notices placed in newspapers, many things could have happened, but some feel the grandparents put an ad in order to show that he was a citizen of the U.S. with all of the benefits thereto. Everybody, after all, and especially then, wanted to be a United States citizen.

Trump added that "there's at least a good chance that Barack Hussein Obama has made mincemeat out of our great and cherised Constitution!"
No survey has been published to guage what is responsible for Trump's rise in the polls amongst many Republicans, but his decision to ingratiate himself with "birthers", unlike other Republicans, may be part of the reason. Until now his candidacy had been dismissed as a public relations stunt, but his decision to take on the "birther" cause as his own and the excitement of "birthers" to see a high-profile endorser may be the cause for Trump's ascendency.
In that effort, he has earned the endorsement of Sarah Palin who recently told Fox News, "I appreciate that the Donald wants to spend his resources in getting to the bottom of something that so interests him and many Americans. You know, more power to him. He's not just throwing stones from the sidelines, he's digging in, he's paying for researchers."
The Obama White House dismisses the idea of a President Trump and has described his "birther" comments as a “spectacle.” Senior White House advisor David Plouffe said on ABC, “There’s zero chance that Donald Trump would ever be hired by the American people to do this job.”
Trump responded to the White House in an interview with the New York Daily News, "I know for a fact that I am the only candidate they are concerned with.""They are very concerned because I am challenging him as to whether or not he was born in this country where there is a real doubt."

US police saw UFO explode in 1949: FBI secret files

London, April 11 (IANS) Secret FBI files that have been made public for the first time reveal that US police and army officers saw a UFO explode over Utah state in 1949.

On April 4, 1949, FBI special agents sent a cable marked 'urgent' to the bureau director, Edgar Hoover.

The document spoke of how an armyman, a policeman and a highway patrol, who were all miles apart, each saw a UFO, which they said exploded over mountains near Logan, north of Salt Lake City.

The memo is part of thousands of previously unreleased files that the FBI has made public in a new online resource called 'The Vault'. according to the Daily Mail.

The document said the three men each 'saw a silver coloured object high up approaching the mountains at Sardine Canyon' that suddenly exploded.

An earlier UFO sighting had been investigated in Logan in September 1947.

Many witnesses told the FBI they saw 'flying discs' in formation that were 'circling the city at a high rate of speed'.

A memo from a special agent in charge of the Washington field office sent in 1950 says aliens landed at Roswell in New Mexico.

The aliens came in flying saucers, the memo said.

'They were described as being circular in shape with raised centres, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only three feet tall.'

The bodies were 'dressed in a metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots'.

Roswell in New Mexico became famous after reports that a flying saucer had crashed in the desert near a military base in July 1947.

The bodies of aliens were said to have been recovered and autopsied by the US military, but American authorities allegedly covered the incident up.

Another report said a flying disc 'hexagonal in shape' and 'suspended from a balloon by a cable' was seen in the area.

Scientists Bringing Dinosaurs Back To Life! Will They Succeed?

‘There is now nothing to stop us bringing back dinosaurs but ourselves. People who don’t believe it don’t know much about evolution.’
Jack Horner, professor of palaeontology, Montana State University

Scientists now believe it is possible to resurrect the dinosaur after the discovery of DNA relics in the wings and beaks of regular chickens. Yes, you heard that right! In the dusty Montana State University store room, scientists struggle to lift a huge fossilized bone from the leg of a dinosaur.
For many years, this chunky specimen has languished cryptically on a shelf. Now, with hammer and chisel poised the academics from Montana State University in America gather round. They are about to shatter this rare vestige of the past - a forgotten relic of a lost age. 
The scientists believe that this fragment of a gigantic beast which stalked the earth millions of years ago could hold the key which will unlock the secrets of the dinosaurs. The sci-fi Jurassic Park could probably be reality a couple of decades from now, where dinosaurs would once again roam the world but hopefully in protected and specially created wild life sanctuaries.

The moot question is: Are scientists playing God? Treading into uncharted territory could well spell disaster. Will these beasts ever be able to survive in the present environment? But will scientists ever be able to resurrect the dinosaur? According to Jack Horner, professor of palaeontology at Montana State University, the answer is an unequivocal yes!
‘Of course we can bring them back to life. Their ancestral DNA is still present. 'The science is there. I don’t think there are any barriers, other than the philosophical.’  
In 2003, Horner, who acted as an advisor on the Jurassic Park films, made a remarkable discovery while his team was excavating a 68 million-year-old Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton in Montana. The site was so remote, the skeleton had to be removed by helicopter — the operation led to a huge thighbone splitting in two.

Horner gave a piece of the bone to one of his students, paleontologist Mary Schweitzer. Examining it, she noticed a strange structure inside the hard outer case…….
Would the future Jurassic sanctuary look like this?

The Million Dollar Question!

But did these beasts roam the Earth millions of years ago or just a few thousand? If so, it would be far easier for scientists to get hold of their DNA!
According to mainstream science, the age of dinosaurs came to an end about 65 million years ago when a natural cataclysm destroyed most living species. No one is really sure what or when this happened or if it happened at all! Carbon dating is most inaccurate after about 30,000 years. Today's knowledge of fossil ages comes primarily from radiometric dating. However, though they cannot date the dinosaur remains themselves, they can date only the rocks buried near the dinosaur remains. This is not accepted by many authorities as valid, as Radiometric dating is based upon controversial assumptions held to be erroneous by many scholars, as indicated by empirical research.

Human remains have been found buried with dinosaur remains on more than one occasion. Did man hunt down dinosaurs to extinction? Take a look at some of the comparatively recent engravings and cave drawings of animals that resemble the dinosaurs. This is clear indication that these beasts lived in an era not millions of years ago, but probably just several thousand!
 Deep in the jungles of Cambodia are ornate temples and palaces
from the Khmer civilization. One column as shown above contains
an intricate carving of a stegosaur-like creature. But how could artisans
decorating an 800 year old Buddhist temple know what a dinosaur looked
like? Western science only began assembling dinosaurs skeletons in the
past two centuries.
Courtesy of Don Patton.
 The ancient Sumatrans produced multiple pieces of art depicting
long-tailed, long-necked creatures with a headcrest. Some of these
animals resemble hadrosaurs. This particular work (Ethnographical
Museum, Budapest) depicts a creature that bears a striking resemblance
to a Corythosaurus which is being hunted by these ancient Indonesian
(Bodrogi, Tibor, Art of Indonesia, plate #10, 1973.)
 In 1945 archeologist Waldemar Julsrud discovered
clay figurines buried at the foot of El Toro Mountain
on the outskirts of Acambaro, Mexico. Eventually
over 33,000 ceramic figurines were found in the
area and identified with the Pre-classical Chupicuaro
Culture (800 BC to 200 AD).The huge collection
included dinosaurs.
Courtesy: gensispark

So, were dinosaurs wiped out 65 million years ago by some cataclysmic event that scientists suggest or did they become extinct just a few thousand years ago like some of the endangered species of today? Well, that’s for another thread!

But if some of these creatures are just a few thousand years old, then the possibility of extracting DNA from their bones to resurrect them becomes a real possibility.

Perhaps our children would one day be visiting not just an ordinary zoo, but a Jurassic park!


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Roswell UFO crash: Remarkable new disclosure

Only this week the FBI launched an online archive, named 'The Vault', consisting of a number of documents deemed as being of interest to the public.  Amongst the 2000 or so documents that make up the archive, a memo, written by the Special Agent in Charge of the Washington Field Office to the FBI Director on March 22, 1950 (see image below), was found, stating the following:
"An investigator for the Air Force stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico. They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only three feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots.
According to Mr. (redacted) informant, the saucers were found in New Mexico due to the fact that the Government has a very high-powered radar set-up in that area and it is believed the radar interferes with the controlling mechanism of the saucers. No further evaluation was attempted by SA (redacted) concerning the above."
As some-one previously cynical of the Roswell UFO crash account, this, for me at least, changes the game in a big way. Firstly, the wording is hardly ambiguous: The memo clearly refers to crashed flying saucers. More importantly, small beings are mentioned along with their exotic attire: A first as far as verified documents dating back to not long after the event are concerned.
In short this document confirms that the Government was aware of details relating to the incident, during that era, that only became otherwise known via witness testimony to UFO researchers at much later date. No wonder in 1952 President Truman acknowledged the reality of UFOs in the manner seen in the video below the memo.
Of most interest, perhaps,  is the manner in which the memo has come to light: Many UFO researchers will be questioning if this really was a slip-up by an archivist. Many will undoubtedly suspect that the entire purpose of 'The Vault' being uploaded online was for the public to 'find' this document.
Sources within the government have informed this publication that a 'soft' or 'back-handed' UFO disclosure is the strategy the US heads of intelligence have chosen rather than a big statement that leaves the public dazed. This new evidence is remarkable and seems like a hint dropped on the road to open contact. 

Iran UFO - Engineer Behind Iranian Saucer Technology Comes Forward

Nuclear Engineer, Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, has came forward as being the developer of the technology being used in Iran's new "flying saucer." His technology is claimed to harness magnetism and gravity to allow travel throughout the solar system and beyond
In January we had reported French scientist Proposes UFO propulsion system using Magnetohydrodynamics.
On March 16th, 2011, the Iranian news agency Fars issued a press release stating Iran had developed a flying saucer. The unmanned saucer named "Zohal" is stated to be equipped with an auto-pilot system, GPS, and an imaging system. It is claimed the craft can fly indoors and outside.

Now, nuclear Engineer, Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, has came forward and claimed to be the developer of the gravity manipulating technology being used in the Iranian flying saucer.

Mehran Keshe is the director of the Keshe Foundation. He claims to have developed a special plasma reactor that allows for the manipulation of gravitational and magnetic fields to produce motion. Multiple patent applications have been filed for this reactor, and details of it are explained on his foundation's many websites. Importantly, in a recent interview with William Alec of Vortex Network News, Keshe specifically states his technology is incorporated in Iran's new saucer.

He also claims to have given the technology to the Iranian government years ago and is actively working with them. This contradicts the idea that the saucer is a kind of multi-turbine helicopter.

pesn.com have emailed Keshe a list of questions about his connection to the saucer. The questions I asked are as follows, along with the answers he provided on April 07, 2011 12:46 AM Mountain time:

Q.I believe I heard you say in a recent interview there is a video of your reactor producing lift, but it has not been made public. When do you think it might be made public?

Ans. This is the decision of the Iranian government.

Q.Is there any reference you can provide that would directly link your technology to the technology used in Iran's flying saucer?

Ans. We have been Publishing this for two years and I have just returned from Iran in January for 7 day visit, which has been documented on my forum. and we said Iran will show space technology on their own time, ask the Canadian government officials who took all my documents in Toronto from me in the air hijacking, they tell you who and where I was developing In Iran.

Q. Have you personally seen Iran's flying saucer? If so, where and in what circumstance?
Ans. I built the initial system for lift and tested for them 2.5 years ago in Iran. Iran up to then was producing rockets and never even talked about spaceship program.

Q. Did you supervise the design, construction, and testing of the saucer? If not, who did and how can we get into contact with them?

Ans. No answer ..

Q. Can you describe the physical and performance characteristics of Iran's saucer? For example...

A - What element does it use to produce plasma?

- basic elements

B - How large is it?

- No Answer..

C - How much lifting force does it produce?
- This is not relevant in Magravs positioning systems

D - What is it's range?

- To any destination, these systems do not have a rang as propulsion system.

E - How fast can it fly?

- speed thousands of times speed of sound in space condition

F - Is it easily scalable to a larger size?
- Your scale is field strength dependent

Q. Can it travel to Earth orbit or beyond?

Ans. Plan is for Mars

Q. What does it look like?

Ans. A disk

Q. Do you have any photos of the saucer? Would you be willing to share such an image to be featured on PESN?

Ans. No Answer..

Q. Is there any additional information about Iran's saucer you can provide?

Ans. Watch the Iranian space release. I recon the first landing on Earth display will be in Jerusalem as I have explained before and if you understand the political language of Middel East.